Monday, February 7, 2011

Learning, learning, yawning! :p


in learning.. I’ve reached my saturation point for many times…
facing an abundance of the super thick “as thick as the pillow” books…
and makes me sleepy,
before I start to read them…
I wish I could stand in that way,
read many books and feel such “falling in love” with the contents
for hours, in days, weeks, years,
without rest and left an alphabet in the books
in fact, I can’t.. unfortunately I can’t
I just an ordinary student, with the un-extraordinary achievements..
I still need time to refresh my mind, but keep me on the focus I made
I still love to have holiday, leave the books on the bookshelf,
and wave my hands to the books..
But I know, I realize, I admit..
I can’t stop the learning process while I’m still breathing
as long as the heart beating,
I have to do it: the learning!
Keep on focusing, keep fighting,
reach my dream!
“Niscaya Allah akan meninggikan beberapa derajat orang-orang yang beriman diantaramu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat”(Qur’an Al mujadalah 11)
Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, bersabda:
“menuntut ilmu wajib bagi tiap muslim dan muslimah”
“tuntutlah Ilmu, dari buaian ibu sampai ke liang lahat”

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